Revista de Pesquisa de Economia

Performance in Nepali Bureaucracy: What does Matter?

Performance of the Bureaucratic system itself is a fundamental issue for the quality governance and delivery mechanism of the government in any political and administrative system. Whole bureaucratic system is known as the permanent government of a nation. Bureaucratic organizations, in general, want to ensure a higher level of performance. However, in the working style, bureaucrats’ performance, feelings and dealings are heavily criticized in many contexts and respects. Nepal is not exceptional in these blurs. In this background, we examine the determinants of performance in the Nepali Bureaucracy using the primary data
from 213 bureaucrats working in the federal Ministry of Education of Nepal. For the econometric analysis, we employ widely accepted framework as proposed by Yamane and logistic regression analysis.The results suggest that the performance widely depends on sex, age, education level of bureaucrats, and on the monitoring and motivating mechanism of the bureaucratic system. The analysis shows that the executing defined duties, meeting timeline, efficiency and effectiveness to solve the assigned responsibility seem to be good. This study did not produce significant effects of demographic features on the overall performance of Nepali bureaucrats.