Jornal Internacional de Patologia Oftalmológica

Postoperative Lens Material of the Eyelid after Cataract Surgery Masquerading as Phakomatous Choristoma

Keiko Inouye , Harris Ahmed* , Soungmin Cho , Kelly Keefe and Douglas Van Putten

Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgery worldwide. Despite the prevalence in reports of retained lens tissue following surgery, there is no documentation of the tissue being deposited outside of the eye. Additionally, there are only a few reported cases of retained capsular tissue as a result of surgery. Here, we present a case of an elderly patient with an upper eyelid lesion containing a fragment of the basement membrane and proteinaceous lens-like material, initially mistaken as phakomatous choristoma that was later confirmed to be postoperative capsular material embedded into the eyelid.