Jornal de Bioquímica e Fisiologia

CD3 Receptor: Bridging Immune Signals for Cellular Harmony

Ruth Orban

The CD3 receptor, an integral component of the T Cell Receptor (TCR) complex, plays a pivotal role in immune responses by bridging extracellular antigen recognition with intracellular signaling events. It sheds light on the orchestration of immune signals by the CD3 receptor and its crucial role in maintaining cellular harmony [1]. The CD3 receptor is a complex assembly of proteins that reside on the surface of T cells. This intricate arrangement enables the receptor to detect specific antigens, which are molecular signatures found on the surfaces of cells, pathogens, and other foreign entities. Upon binding to a matching antigen, the CD3 receptor initiates a cascade of intricate signalling events that culminate in the activation of the T cell [2]. This activation triggers a wide array of responses, including the proliferation of T cells, the secretion of cytokines, and the targeted destruction of cells recognized as threats.