Tecnologia da Moda e Engenharia Têxtil

Designing Conceptual Dresses with ?Water? Content and Protecting Environment Using Hydrogels.

Elahe Sadeghi , Salar Zohoori* and Abolfazl Davodiroknabad

This article is descriptive-experimental which presents a collection of conceptual dress designs with environmental protection with water crisis approach. Therefore, dresses were designed that could create this type of feeling in the audience. On the other hand, in designing such clothes, fabrics that are completely environmentally friendly have been used. Today Linen fabric, which is used as an agrotextile in agriculture, as well as hydrogel, which is used in agrotextile as a source of water supply for plants, have been used in the designing these garments to provide the desired feeling and concept to the audience. Finally, clothes are designed to become three-dimensional by collecting water droplets and convey the concept of water value to the audience.