Jornal de Saúde, Questões e Cuidados da Mulher

Why Don�t Depressed Pregnant Women Follow Through With Mental Health Referral?

Paul J Rowan, Anthony Greisinger, Mudita Upadhyaya and Frances Smith

Why Don’t Depressed Pregnant Women Follow Through With Mental Health Referral?

Simultaneous, traumatic rupture of both the uterus and intestinal viscous is a rare, potentially catastrophic event. A 25 year old parturient at 19 weeks gestation sustained blunt abdominal trauma after falling from a ‘motorcycle taxi’. Her initial physical assessment was unremarkable. An ultrasound performed on hospital day 2 demonstrated hemoperitoneum and fetal demise, suggestive of uterine rupture. At laparotomy, uterine and rectosigmoid rupture were identified and repaired.