Revista de Gestão da Biodiversidade e Silvicultura

Change of Phytoalexins Stilbenoids of Vine Trunk Tavkveri Variety (vitis vinifera l.) in Condition Crown Gall Infection


It is studied correlation of phytoalexin stilbenoids in Georgian red grape variety – Tavkveri stamps, healthy and infected by bacterial cancer. Reaserch examples were taken in Kartli region (east part of Georgia) Meadow Cinnamonic type of soil from 7 years old vineyards. Fractions of stilbenoids were isolated from the stamps by ethylacetate and then analyzed by HPLC/MS method. It is established content of phytoalexin resveratrol and its derivatives in healthy and infected by bacterial cancer stamps. It is carried out stress-metabolite stilbenoids compare to physiological concentration of stilbenoids with infected Stilbenoids. Among the above mentioned stilbenoids dominates trans-resveratrol, which concentration is increasing in condition of bacterial cancer diseased grapes. Received results for the vine Tavkveri are scientific novelty and important data for the correlation of the immunity of grapevine with pfytoalexin-stilbenoids. This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli National