Revista de Gestão da Biodiversidade e Silvicultura

Foresters Consider Tree Felling and Environmental Legislation


Today, forestry education typically includes training in general biology, ecology, botany, genetics, soil science, climatology, hydrology, economics and forest management. Education in the basics of sociology and political science is often considered an advantage. Professional skills in conflict resolution and communication are also important in training programs. In India, forestry education is imparted in the agricultural universities and in forest research institutes (deemed universities). Four year degree programmes are conducted in these universities at the undergraduate level. Masters and doctorate degrees are also available in these universities. In the United States, postsecondary forestry education leading to a bachelor's degree or master's degree is accredited by the society of American foresters. In Canada the Canadian institute of forestry awards silver rings to graduates from accredited university BSc programs, as well as college and technical programs. In many European countries, training in forestry is made in accordance with requirements of the Bologna process and the European higher education area. The international union of forest research organizations is the only international organization that