Jornal de Técnicas Imunológicas e Doenças Infecciosas

The CD4 Cell Count Interest in HIV-Positive Patients under Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in a Limited-Resource Country

Kassi K, Ecra EJ, Djeha D, Yao KJ, Kacou DE, Adiko LC, Kouame K, Kouassi A, Acho AA, Sangar? A, Gbery IP, Yobou? YP and Kanga JM

The CD4 Cell Count Interest in HIV-Positive Patients under Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in a Limited-Resource Country

In 2009, in sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 22.5 million adults and children were HIV/AIDS infected and an estimated 1.3 million died from HIV-related diseases. By 2010, almost 40% of those in need of ART were enjoying care; significant progress was made compared to 2% in 2003. HIV/AIDS remains under –diagnosed, many patients report late for care or not at all and some do not keep up with the care over time. Therefore World Health Organization (WHO) increased the threshold from less than 200 cell/mm3 to 350 cell/mm3.