Revista de Pesquisa em Ergonomia

Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders & Ergonomics

Frédéric Dehais

Work-related contractile organ disorders (WMSDs) area unit a gaggle of painful disorders of muscles, tendons, and nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, pectoral outlet syndrome, and tension neck syndrome area unit examples. X-rays area unit generally done initial. Most worthy for police work abnormalities in bone and are taken to judge painful, deformed, or suspected abnormal areas of bone. Often, x-rays will facilitate to diagnose fractures, tumors, injuries, infections, and deformities (such as organic process abnormality of the hip). Once assessment and designing are completed, as well as analysis of the collected information, future step is implementing the ways and interventions which will comprise the geographic point health program. Contractile organ disorders area unit related to high prices to employers like absence, lost productivity, and accumulated health care, disability, and worker’s compensation prices.