VEGETOS: Um Jornal Internacional de Pesquisa Vegetal

Fractal Analysis of MorphoPhysiological Parameters of Oxycoccus Palustris Pers in Oligotrophic Swamps of Western Siberia

Usmanov IYu, Yumagulova ER, Ovechkina ES, Ivanov VB, Shcherbakov AB, Aleksandrova VV and Ivanov NA

Fractal Analysis of MorphoPhysiological Parameters of Oxycoccus Palustris Pers in Oligotrophic Swamps of Western Siberia

The study considers changes in morpho-physiological parameters of Oxycoccus palustris Pers., a most wide-spread species of evergreen shrubs in oligotrophic bogs of Western Siberia, with regard to soil trophicity. The authors discuss the applicability of fractal mathematical principles for assessing morphological and physiological parameters and show that the studied parameters are invariant in nature, which enables applying fractal analysis methods to describe the way resources are distributed by plants in various environmental conditions. Work performed within the project No: 15-44-00028 «r-ural a» .