VEGETOS: Um Jornal Internacional de Pesquisa Vegetal

In vitro Morphogenic Response of Plant Parts of Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. : A Plant with Therapeutic Potential

Ichha Purak and Anita Mehta

Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. belonging to family Sapindaceae is commonly known as Balloon Vine due to inflated membranous balloon like tri-celled ridged fruits having black seeds with prominent white heart shaped scar. It is recognized as a medicinal plant of repute in Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic mode of treatment under different names such as Jyotishmati, Kanphuti, Lataphatkari, Indravalli, Heart pea, Love- in-a -puff, Heart seed, Winter cherry etc. The plant possesses active ingredients viz. alkaloids, flavonoids, proanthocyanide, cyanolipids , glycosides, saponins, tri-terpenes, steroids ec . It is used to cure rheumatism, diarrhoea, chronic bronchitis, nervous diseases, stiffness of limbs, snake bite, pulmonary troubles, itchy skin, problems in menstrual cycle, gastric ulcer, earache , eyesore and piles.

Standardization of protocol was undertaken for achieving callus mass from different parts of Cardiospermum halicacabum. Different explants responded differently to chemicals and media they had been subjected.MS Medium supplemented with low concentration of 2,4 -D had a tendency to regenerate into shoot and complete plantlet but high concentration induced callus formation as well as proliferation . Green embryogenic callus from leaf explants was observed in media containing 2,4-D. Callus tissue is good source of genetic and karyotypic variability so variants can be regenerated from these genetically variable cells. Callus culture is useful for obtaining commercially important secondary metabolities. Several biochemical assays can be performed from callus culture.