VEGETOS: Um Jornal Internacional de Pesquisa Vegetal

Studies on Distribution Patterns for an Endangered Semi-Arid Plant- Blepharis sindica

Manish Mathur and S Sundaramoorthy

Studies on Distribution Patterns for an Endangered Semi-Arid Plant- Blepharis sindica.

In the present investigation spatio-temporal variation in distribution patterns of Blepharis sindica from the Indian Thar desert were assessed. Intra-specific spatial distribution of an individual plant is an important aspect for understanding the functioning of ecosystem. The causes and consequences of transition from one to another pattern remain important topics in plant ecology. Dispersal indices like index of dispersal (ID), index of clumping (IC), Green, Lloyd’s mean crowding and the Morisita revealed that distribution patterns of B. sindica are site and event specific. Principal Component Analysis revealed that ID, IC and Green index are correlated with each other and provide the similar results. Transitions from random to uniform and form random to clumped and uniform were recorded. Path analysis revealed that soil organic carbon, electric conductivity, soil phosphorus and soil moisture associated with distribution behaviors of this plant.....