Jornal de Fisiologia e Patologia Vegetal

Isolation and Identification of yeasts from foods

Ravimannan N

Several food samples from traditional fermented products (Idli, Dosai), Manihot, dairy products like curd and milk,  beverages like toddy and wine were taken and tested for the presence of various  yeasts. Idli and Dosai were observed for fermentation in the laboratory, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Milk, toddy and wine were bought in the sales outlets in Thirunelvely, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Different types of yeasts were isolated and grown in peptone yeast extract agar and pure cultures were obtained and maintained in slants for identification. The yeasts were identified based on the morphological and biochemical characteristics. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified in the samples of traditional fermented products like Idli and Dosai. It was also identified in Manihot, curd and wine. Schizosaccharomyces pombe was identified in the sample of toddy. The yeast Candida pelliculosa was found to be present in milk. Further studies should be carried out at molecular level to identify different strains of particular yeast.